Initial Registration & Monthly Dues

Membership dues for the travel team program will be payable on a monthly basis. Dues help to support the travel teams and administrative costs, (i.e., insurance, facilities, vehicles, supplies, etc.). Fees for two (2) tournaments are included in the dues (with the exception of long-distance and out of state tournaments). Family rates are available.

The fee schedule is:

Need to complete your payment for your montly dues? 

To complete your payment use the link above. 

Team Practice Schedules

Team practices take place on the following dates and times


Pete Knight High School (location)

Tuesday & Thursday (6:00pm-7:30pm)

5th- 8th grade

Pete Knight High School (location)

Tuesday & Thursday (6:00pm-9:00pm)

High School

Pete Knight High School (location)

Tuesday & Thursday (8:00pm-9:30pm)